Dear teachers, dear students
Good morning, everyone!
The topic of my speech today is "carrying forward Lei Feng spirit and striving to be a pioneer".
After the winter vacation, we ushered in a new semester, but also ushered in a new climax of learning Lei Feng spirit. Comrade Lei Feng is a well-known model of serving the people wholeheartedly in China and a hero who has influenced generations of young people. As an ordinary PLA soldier, he has helped countless people in his short life.
At the mention of Lei Feng, Chinese people can be said to be a household name. This ordinary Chinese soldier, in his short 22 years of life, shows a shocking moral character and personality charm with his simple words and deeds. When we mention Lei Feng, we can't help but think of every little thing he did in his life: helping the conductor mop the floor, cleaning the waiting room, buying tickets for his sister-in-law who lost the ticket, and sending them to his comrades in arms Money and so on. So people often say: Lei Feng's business trip is a thousand miles, and he has done a good job. It can be seen how much good he has done in his short life and how much happiness and comfort he has brought to others.
Since Chairman Mao's inscription, how many people, inspired by his spirit, have done extraordinary things in ordinary posts. However, how many great people, great things, which is not from the side of the small things?
Students, we learn from Uncle Lei Feng, we should start from every little thing, and start from the most ordinary things around us: Although we are still small, we can't do earth shaking things, and we don't have lofty and great career, we can do every little thing around us well: we can hold up an umbrella for our classmates in rainy days, and bend down to pick up a book for others; We can stand up and offer our seats to those in need; we can help the children who fall on the ground and help and care for others with our love, sincerity and kindness. We are also the descendants of Uncle Lei Feng. In our study and life, we all want others to care for themselves in every little thing. Help yourself, the feeling of being loved is happy, sweet and happy! On the contrary, others need our love and help. Yes, our world can always be full of happiness only if everyone gives their love!
Students, let's join hands and work together to learn from Lei Feng. Let's start from every little thing. Let's help each other and love each other and be a "little Lei Feng" in a new era!
Thank you!
改革先锋人物故事主题演讲稿 关于改革先锋人物故事主题演讲稿 改革之路是艰辛的的,是充满波折的,但是我们不畏惧这种困难,依然在改革的浪潮中勇往直前,在改革中,有很多先进人物的事迹为国家带来了很大的影响,你写好相关演讲稿了吗?下面给大家带来的是关于改革先锋人物故事主题演讲稿。 合:老师们,同学们,大家上午好,今天,我们将继续为大家介绍改革先锋的故事。 A:当你听到这样一番称号“中国数字经济带头人”、大自然保护协会中国理事会主席兼全球董事会成员、华谊兄弟董事、生命科学突破奖基金会董事。”你会想到谁?他,就是在前不久被党*、国务院授予“改革先锋”称号的马云。 B:他是一位成功人士,亚洲首富。风采的背后,他付出了什么呢? 12岁时,马云买了台袖珍收音机,从此每天听英文广播。在中考中,马云考了两年才考上一所极其普通的高中,其中一次数学他只得了31分。 B:1982年,马云首次高考落榜,数学只得了1分,他充满了挫败感。之后,他跟表弟到一家酒店应聘服务生,结果表弟被录用,自己惨遭拒绝,老板给出的理由是马云又瘦 又矮,长相不好。后来马云从事过过搬运工人等职业。 1983年,马云高考再次落榜,数学提高到了19分。 1984年,马云不顾家人的极力反对,第三次参加高考,这次数学考了89分,但总分离本科线还差5分。由于英语专业招生指标未满,马云幸运地被杭州师范学院外语本科专业破格录取。 A:能够凭借自己的不懈努力,不断学习,数学从1分,到19分,再到89分,直到凭借英语的优异成绩考上大学,成功背后,需要坚持。 在马云创业后,经历了接二连三的失败,但失败并没有使他放弃,他选择了坚持。如果当初马云选择的是放弃,而不是坚持,那就没有今天的阿里巴巴,历史就可能会被改写。 B:马云在事业发展过程中,始终把国家和民族利益放在首位。在XX年的中美贸易战之前,马云曾经承诺过特朗普,将通过阿里电商平台,让美国小型企业可以向中国日益壮大的中产阶级销售产品,此举在未来五年内将为美国创造100万个就业机会。然而,随着中美贸易战的打响,这份承诺也随之被取消。马云说:“当前的局面已经破坏了原来的前提,已有承诺没有办法完成了。” 为美国提供100万个就业岗位,如果对兑现承诺,将获得一笔不菲的商业利润。但是这一切的前提是不损坏国家利益。在个人经济利益和国家利益之间,马云毫不犹豫地选择 了后者。这便是爱国的生动体现,是民族气节的生动体现。站在中国的国家立场上拓展国际业务,这是中国民族企业家一贯的坚持。 B:马云除了在商业上颇有成就外,还十分支持慈善事业。作为JackMa基金会的创始人,在XX年汶川地震,阿里巴巴第一时间向灾区捐款万美元。 不仅如此,马云还十分关注教育事业。在XX年教师节,他宣布2019年自己将不再担任阿里巴巴集团董事局主席,届时将正式投身于教育行业。马云在创业之前便是一名教师。现在说投身教育,更不如说是回归初心。 A:马云因为坚持而成功。但在我们的生活中,为什么在遇到困难时有的人就能坚持不懈、攻克难关,而有的人却容易放弃呢?这,和坚持背后的动力有关系。换句话说,你为谁而坚持?为了什么样的目标而坚持?坚持的背后有没有坚定的理想信念作支撑?这些问题,比坚持本身更根本、更重要。厘清这些问题,才能为坚持找到足够的理由和源源不断的动力。 B:不仅仅为自己而坚持,更是为集体、社会、为国家而坚持。这样的坚持,有大爱为支撑,有远大的理想、坚定的信念为支撑。那些随之而来的荣誉、名利,只不过是奋斗历程中的附属品罢了,而这些附属品,并不会成为快乐的真正源泉。真正快乐的源泉,是做自己喜欢并且对他人、对国 家和社会有益的事,把它当作自己生活的一部分,并坚持一辈子。 A:我们不必人人都成为马云一样的人物,但我们每个人都应该有适合自己的目标,不断超越自己;把别人的幸福和自己的幸福关联起来,助人为乐,乐在其中。 我们的演讲到此结束!谢谢!