
发布于2022-01-13 05:44:39

1.our,let's,classroom,clean,now(!)2.not,floor,let's,the sweep(.)3.lose,heart,don't,your(!)4.hang,not,bag,let's,the,here,big(!)5.the,dust,please,desks(!)(连词成句)I often ______to the park with my schoolmates________(乘地铁去)(根据提示完成句子)我该怎么做(用英语回答)1.乘公交车时发现小偷:2.郊游时,同学掉进深坑里:3.和艾滋病病毒携带者吃饭时:4.下楼梯时,有同学摔倒:5.爸爸妈妈下岗了:

1. Let's clean our classroom now! 2. Let's not sweep the floor. 3. Don't lose your heart! 4. Let's not hang the big bag here! 5. Please dust the desks! I often _go_to the park with my schoolmates_by tube__(乘地铁去) 1. I will shout out loudly to notice other passagers. 我会大声喊叫以告知其他乘客。 2. I will ask other teachers and students for help. 我会叫其他老师和学生帮忙。 3. I will keep a certain distance with them. 我会与他们保持一定距离。 4. I will go to help him/her up at once. 我会立刻把他/她扶起来。 5. I will be quiet and encourage them not to be discouraged. 我会乖巧一点,并且鼓励他们不要气馁。
1. Let's clean our classroom now! 2. Let's not sweep the floor. 3. Don't lose your heart! 4. Let's not hang the big bag here. 5. Please dust the desks! I often go to the park with my schoolmates by subway. 1. Call police. 2. Call 120. 3. Small, and keep calm. 4. Quickly run to him and check whether he is okay. 5. Don't ask them for pocket money, and try to do some part-time job after school. 有问题请追加~
1.our,let's,classroom,clean,now(!) -- Let's clean our classroom now! 2.not,floor,let's,the sweep(.) Let's not sweep the floor. 3.lose,heart,don't,your(!) Don't lose your heart! 4.hang,not,bag,let's,the,here,big(!) Let's not hang the big bag here! 5.the,dust,please,desks(!)(连词成句)Please dust the desks! I often _go_to the park with my schoolmates__by subway_____(乘地铁去)(根据提示完成句子) 同学,其余的自己好好想一想。:)
