
发布于2022-01-13 16:44:47
香港 每天有航班 不知你在那, 可以查一下 离你最近的机场
航班的座位一般分成几个等级,分别是头等舱(first class)、商务舱(business class)和经济舱(economy class)。如果乘搭经济舱,其实也可说成:i'm flying coach. coach可当作‘教练’、‘长程巴士’或‘经济客舱’。此外,经济舱又俗称 cattle class,cattle class 原是载运牛只的卡车,比较挤拥,用以比喻经济舱的空间同样狭窄。此外,购买特价经济舱机票时,要留意票上是否写上non-refundable(不能退款)、non-reroutable(不能更改路线)等限制,如果是购买 full fare ticket(全额机票)就没有这些限制了。

对话 shawn: hey, i thought you were too poor to fly. brian: i am. but my girlfriend bought me the ticket. she's really kind. shawn: what class are you in? brian: i'm flying coach. look! it says so right here. shawn: you're not flying coach. you're in a coach. she bought you a bus ticket. brian: what? shawn: wanna trade? nah! 尚伟: 嘿,我以为你穷得连坐飞机的能力都没有。 布莱恩: 的确是,但我的女朋友买了一张机票给我,她真好。 尚伟: 你坐哪个客舱? 布莱恩: 我坐经济舱。看!票是这样写的。 尚伟: 你不是坐经济舱的位置。你是坐巴士,她买了一张巴士车票给你。 布莱恩: 什么? 尚伟: 想交换吗?不行!

买机票,首先要懂得说机舱的英文。经济舱英文叫coach、economy class或tourist class,俗称cattle class;商务舱叫business class,票价高一点;头等舱叫first class,票价最高。买票时,自然要问票价:how much is first class / business class / economy class(或coach)?(头等舱 /商务舱 / 经济舱的机票价钱是多少?)提早订票,会获得折扣,所以不妨问问:how many weeks in advance do i have to buy a ticket to get a discount?(要提早几星期买机票,才可获得折扣?)

知道了价钱,就可以决定买什么等级的机票:i'd like to travel / fly / go economy class.(我要买经济舱的机票)、please book me an economy class one-way ticket to taipei for 30 october.(请给我一张十月三十日往台北的经济舱单程票)。

来回票英文叫 round-trip ticket 或 return (ticket),例如: i want two economy class returns / return tickets to new york.(我要两张去纽约的经济舱来回票)。回程没有定期的来回票,叫open return,例如:i'd like a first-class open return.(我要一张回程没有定期的来回票)。最后,你还得告诉售票员:i'd prefer a morning /afternoon / night flight.(我想搭上午 / 下午 / 夜间的班机)。这样,售票员自然会把最适合的时间说出来,供你选择。
