
发布于2022-08-02 11:58:25

急!英语辩论赛我是反方,坚持教育比工作经验更重要。不知道什么例子是关于这方面的,知道的就告诉我吧,谢谢啦。(记得要用英语描述,最好简单些) 还可添加0张

Well, first, work experience is important, as it can take you efficient work skill. But we think Education is much important, as this world is a changing world,that means there sre new skills, knowledges,informations, technologies happened in fast speed, through education, you can enlarge your eyesight,open your mind and get more ideas, thus will be more and more helpful for your job.

well, dear fellow debaters, after your conclusion, i can get your point. firstly, you said the more education you have, the more likely you will succeed. second, you said. the more education you have, the better you will appreciate our life. yes, we agree that. but all the evidences you presented are not adequate to prove that why education is more important than work experience. we believe that work experience is more important than education.

we should know that not everything is contained in books. how to deal with personal finance, how to cope with current social trends, even how to most effectively organize our own mind can seldom be found thoroughly in books, we have to gain the knowledge by our own experience.

sofrom the statements above, i still stick to our point that experience is more important than education

