
发布于2022-08-01 20:30:11

一位客人在酒店前台退房,他来到收银处(cashier),要求将200美元兑换成人民币。请按当日国家公布的外汇牌价(foreign exchange rate)为客人兑换外币。请准备一段2人的对话,大概就一到2分钟的对话,不要太长。谢谢啦! 还可添加0张

A(Cashier): good mornig sir, how can i help you?
B(Guest): good morning, I'm in room 1209, and I would like to change 200 US dollars into RMB.
A: No problem, Mr Smith. We will change your money based on the official foreign exchange rate today but we wil charge 15% service fee (一般酒店的这种服务会收取额外手续费).
B: That's good, please do so.
A: Ok, so the exchange rate today is 6.5, that means you can get 1300 Yuan for 200 US dollars. and the service fee will be 195 yuan. so you can get 1105 yuan at last. If you agree please sign the paper here.
B. OK, sure.
A: Here's your money, Mr Smith. any thing else I can help you with?
B: Yes, please. Can you check me out?
A: OK, no problem. I will print out your billing details, just a moment please.
B: thanks.
A: Do you enjoy your staying here Mr Smith?
B: Yes, I'm very impressed by the service here. it's fantastic. and I would like to come back again. (互动也很重要)
A: it's really good to hear that. Thanks for your patient Mr Smith. here is your billing details, can you please check it and sign at the bottom if it's correct.
B: ok. It's all correct. here you go.
A: Thanks Mr Smith. And you are good to go now. we are looking forward to your next vist!
B: thank you. bye!

