一首女生唱的歌,很轻快,好像是英文的,高潮是ye ,hie lou,hie lou.......

发布于2022-05-30 22:33:37

不是,girlfriend我知道,高潮是不是Hey Hey You You,是先一个耶,再hie 喽,hie 喽

Hey Hey You You.嘿嘿 你就是你   I don’t like your girlfriend.我不喜欢你的女朋友   No way No way.不配不配   I think you need a new one.你最好把他甩掉   Hey Hey You You.嘿嘿 你就是你   I could be your girlfriend.我不喜欢你的女朋友   Hey Hey You You.嘿嘿 你就是你 I know that you like me.我知道你粉哈我 No way No way.卖假卖假 No, it’s not a secret.这根本不是秘密 Hey Hey You You.嘿嘿 你就是你 I want to be your girlfriend.我想做你的女朋友 You’re so fine.你条件超优   I want you mine.想把你占为己有 I think about you.脑海里都是   all the time.你的影子   You are so addictive.你让人上瘾 Don’t you know.你可知道   What I can do.我可以让你 To make you feel alright.天天开心   Don’t pretend.别再ㄍㄧㄣ了 I think you know.我知你知道   I’m damn precious.我身价不凡   Hell Yeah I’m the mother princess.我是你的白雪公主 I can tell you like me too.我知道你也喜欢我   And you know I’m right.我也知道我说的没错 She’s like so whatever.她瞎到不行 You can do so much better.你应该配更好的 I think we should get together now.我们应该要在一起 Well that\'s what everyone\'s talking about.而且大家都是这样觉得 Hey Hey You You.嘿嘿就是你 I don’t like your girlfriend.我不喜欢你的女朋友 No way No way.不配不配 I think you need a new one.你该找个新的 I could be your girlfriend.我就是你该找的女朋友 Hey Hey You You.嘿嘿就是你 I know that you like me.我知道你超哈我 No way No way.卖假卖假 No, it’s not a secret.这又不是秘密了 Hey Hey You You.嘿嘿就是你 I want to be your girlfriend.我来做你的女朋友 I can see the way.我可以看出 See the way.从你 You look at me.看我的眼神中 And even when you look away.即使你没在看我 I know you think of me.我也知道你在哈我 I know you talk about me all the time.我知道你所有的话题 again and again.都围绕著我 So come over here.过来吧 and tell me what I wanna hear.说我想听的话 Better, yeah, make your girlfriend dissapear.让你的女友人间蒸发 I don’t wanna hear you say her name.别再提起你女友的名子 ever again Cuz she’s like so whatever.因为她瞎到不行 You can do so much better.你值得更好的 I think we should get together now.就是我们应该再一起 Well that\'s what everyone\'s talking about.而且大家都这麼觉得 Hey Hey You You.嘿嘿 就是你 I don’t like your girlfriend.我不喜欢你的女朋友 No way No way.不配不配 I think you need a new one.你跟他根本不配 Hey Hey You You.嘿嘿就是你 I could be your girlfriend.我才应该是你的女朋友 Hey Hey You You.嘿嘿 就是你 I know that you like me.我知道你超哈我 No way No way.卖假卖假 No, it’s not a secret.这又不是什麼秘密 Hey Hey You You.嘿嘿 就是你 I want to be your girlfriend.我来做你的女朋友 In a second.不用多久 you’ll be wrapped around my finger.你就会拜倒在我的裙下 ‘Cause I can.因为我 cause I can do it better.比她更棒 There\'s no other.没人能跟我比 so when’s it gonna sink in.你到底何时才听得进去 She’s so stupid,.她这麼瞎 what the hell were you thinking?.你到底在想什麼 In a second.不用多久 you’ll be wrapped around my finger.你就会拜倒在我的裙下 ‘Cause I can,.因为我 cause I can do it better.比她更棒 There’s no other,.没人能跟我比 so when’s it gonna sink in.你到底何时才听得进去 She’s so stupid,.她是如此的瞎 what the hell were you thinking?.你是在想什麼 Hey Hey You You.嘿嘿 就是你 I don’t like your girlfriend.我不喜欢你的女朋友 No way No way.不配不配 I think you need a new one.你最好把他甩掉 Hey Hey You You.嘿嘿就是你 I could be your girlfriend.我可以当你的女朋友 No Way).不配 Hey Hey You You.嘿嘿就是你 I know that you like me.我知道你超哈我 No way No way.卖假卖假 No, it’s not a secret.这不是什麼秘密 Hey Hey You You.嘿嘿就是你 I want to be your girlfriend.我们才是一对 Hey Hey You You.嘿嘿就是你 I don’t like your girlfriend ( No Way!).我不喜欢你的女朋友(不配) No way No way.不配不配 I think you need a new one (Hey!).你应该早点甩掉她 Hey Hey You You.嘿嘿就是你 I could be your girlfriend (No Way!).我们才应该再一起(卖假) Hey Hey You You.嘿嘿就是你 I know that you like me (No Way!).我知道你超哈我(卖假卖假) No way No way.卖假卖假 No, it’s not a secret (Hey!).这不是什麼秘密 Hey Hey You You.嘿嘿就是你   I want to be your girlfriend (No Way!).我们才是一对 Hey Hey!
你好! 高潮是Hey Hey You You 啊,是艾薇儿的girlfriend。 仅代表个人观点,不喜勿喷,谢谢。
beyonce 的halo
