
发布于2022-03-31 16:00:21

2011届湖北省八校第一次联考 鄂南高中 黄冈中学 黄石二中 华师一附中 荆州中学 襄樊四中 襄樊五中 孝感高中 英语参考答案 1-20: BCACA ABBCB AABBB ACBBA 21-30: AACDA BCBAA 31-50: BABCD ADBCD ACABD ABADC 51-70: BDACA DCDBD ACCBB AACBD 71. suddenly/ abruptly did the earthquake occur (未用倒装扣1.5分;副词写错或时态错误扣半分) 72. What fine/ wonderful weather (What或weather写错扣1.5分;加了不定冠词a或形容词错误扣半分) 73. runs/ can run twice/ two times faster/ more quickly (run时态或人称错误扣半分;倍数比较法错误扣1.5分) 74. that her parents had (the)time (没有写that扣1.5分;时态错误扣1.5分;其他错误扣半分) 75. No matter how hard I try/ However hard I try (No matter how hard 或however hard写错扣1.5分;其他错误扣半分;如写成Hard as I may try 或Try hard as I would等句型,仅表示转折关系“虽然我努力了”,而未表达出让步关系“无论……”,所以不能给满分,扣半分) 76. will have come to light/ will have been brought to light (light误用冠词或复数扣半分;其他错误扣1.5分) 77. that being a volunteer/ that to be a volunteer (没有写that扣1.5分;冠词错误扣半分) 78. was held tomorrow (was held错了扣1.5分;其他错误扣半分) 79. (When he was) Informed of/ about what/ the thing that (had) happened (Having been informed 扣半分;介词错误扣半分;happen时态错误扣半分;what或that连词错误导致句子结构错误的扣1.5分) 80. in which case/and in this case (任何错误扣1.5分) Sample writing I think this is a good phenomenon. Firstly, university is not suitable for everyone. High intelligence is what it takes to study at university. If you are not lucky enough to be born smart, university is apparently not the place for you. However hard you try, working towards a career which you are not good at will not get you anywhere. Secondly, interests and talents play a vital role in your success of career and happiness of life. Having explored your talents and found out where your real interests lie, you should follow them, which will surely help you achieve your goal of life. To conclude, university is not the only way to success. What counts is to know yourself and follow what feels right.
