
发布于2022-03-20 17:04:41
I have a new friend Peter.He si of medium height and medium build. He has lang face with straight black hair. He has big eyes and medinm ears,and he often wears glasses. He si very cool!
we are closely related with the surrounding environment, if the environment has been destroyed, we would therefore be subject to severe punishment. mention of the surrounding environment, most people will think of the wei river (a river local). wei river was very clear, there are a lot of fish, before all the clothes in the river water, and also to go swimming. in previous years, the wei river water has been seriously polluted, rubbish and plastic bags are floating on the top, into a pool of stagnant water, stink to high heaven, passers-by will not consciously cover your nose. because of large amount of sewage into the river near the plant row, waste water, the river smelly black, people don't want from the next. in recent years, protect environment have been paid great attention to the wei river, a water, but also the long-term sedimentation in the river silt out clean, on the river embankment planted many trees, like to the wei river has a shower, dressed in a new suit. we usually buy food, shopping, and bread are all plastic bag, the plastic bag is we throw to, constitute the white pollution. ordinary plastic bags we use, if buried in the ground, no matter how long will not rot; if the unified burned, will produce a smelly gas, pollute the air, there is no way to destruction. at present, many countries have banned the use of plastic bags, shopping is used in paper bags or baskets, environmentally friendly, and can be used repeatedly. some people think that is not important, protect environment pollution, pollution, however, maybe in a few years, decades later, we may be living in the garbage heap, perhaps we will not be able to live on the earth. protect environm. protect environment, we be one's unshirkable responsibility.
