替写英语小作文 120-150词 即可 希望今天能有回复 谢谢了

发布于2022-01-13 11:25:12

因为现在问豆不是很多 只有这些 所以可能会显得比较少 以后等我攒攒还能给你一些 谢谢了 今天用 比较着急


Continue to study or work            

This spring is a eventful one. Our study and work are also delayed. From now on, we will continue to study and work.            

Study and work make me full of confidence in the future. Now I want to plan for the future for my choice. I decided to choose (    ) later to live a well-off life.          

In order to achieve these goals, first of all, I must study hard. Secondly, I should do every work well. Finally, I need to improve efficiency and accuracy.            

I believe that my choice will give me a lot of job opportunities in the future, and I will have enough food and clothing, even some money.            

I am very clear that my choice will be very good.

