下面的英语口语问答大家会几道就写几道 例如what is your name?(你叫什么名字?) My name is ... .(我叫

发布于2022-01-12 20:11:57

6. Please say something about either of your parents.7. Will you introduce yourself briefly?4. What will you do to protect yourself when an earthquake broke out?5. What should you do before leaving the lab?8. Do you like traveling? Why or why not?9. What sports do you like best? Why. Please say something about your family?11. How do you improve your English?12. Say something about your family:第一份1. Who is your favourite singer? Why? Why?2. How do you improve your oral English? Why?2. How do you like your school. Who is your favourite sports star?10. What do you think of your head teacher?第四套.第三份1. What do you think of Sichuan earthquake?2?3. How do you improve your English listening?第三份1? Why or why not.3. Where would you like to go for your holidays?2. How do you improve your English reading?3. How do you like your English teacher?第二份1. Do you like traveling? Where have you been?2. What present will you give to your mother on her birthday?3. What present will you give to your father on his birthday?3. Do you like your head teacher1. How do you like your school? Which place impressed you most

1 I like it very much 2 a necklace 3 a pair of shoes 4 i will run out of the building if having enough time,or i will hide in the bathroom 5 ensuring everything holds their position 累死了,这些问题很简单的,楼主自己答答吧。。。
1,i watched tv 2,i have been very tall since i started junior high school 3,my favorite music is "my heart will go on(我心依旧)"
1、I think it’s beautiful! 2 3 ............... 语法正确就可以了,自圆其说吧!
