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发布于2022-01-12 18:21:39

若称王薇薇 (Vera Wang) 是婚纱女王,一点也不为过。在每年的奥斯卡金像奖星光大道上,王薇薇 (Vera Wang) 就像是永不会出错、绝不会让女星得到“最差劲服装奖”的品质保证。王薇薇 (Vera Wang) 的婚纱设计引起了时尚界的一场婚纱革命,一套王薇薇 (Vera Wang) 婚纱,就如同一颗 Tiffany 的六爪钻戒一样,象征着神圣珍贵的爱情承诺。一件王薇薇 (Vera Wang) 婚纱的价格足够买下一辆名车,但照样让人无限向往,争相追逐。 Tiffany(蒂芙尼),珠宝界的皇后,以钻石和银制品著称于世。   Tiffany&Co创建于1837年,刚开始是以银制餐具出名,在1851年推出了银制925装饰品而更加著名。1960年好莱坞著名女星奥黛丽赫本出演的《蒂芙尼早餐》就是以Tiffany命名的。   Tiffany,美国设计的象征。以爱与美、罗曼蒂克与梦想为主题而风誉了近两个世纪。它以充满官能的美以及柔软纤细的感性满足了世界上所有女性的幻想和欲望。       谢谢


Tiffany (difuni), with the queen, jewels of silver and diamond products.

Tiffany&Co founded in 1837, just start is famous, silverware in 1851 925 silver ornaments and introduced more famous. In 1960, Hollywood actress Audrey Hepburn in the breakfast at Tiffany is named by Tiffany.

Tiffany, the symbol of the design. With love and beauty, romance and dream for theme and wind praise nearly two centuries. It is filled with the beauty and faculties in soft and fine sensibility satisfy all women in the world of fantasy and desires.


Tiffany&Co founded in 1837, just start is famous, silverware in 1851 925 silver ornaments and introduced more famous. In 1960, Hollywood actress Audrey Hepburn in the breakfast at Tiffany is named by Tiffany.

Tiffany, the symbol of the design. With love and beauty, romance and dream for theme and wind praise nearly two centuries. It is filled with the beauty and faculties in soft and fine sensibility satisfy all women in the world of fantasy and desires.
