四年级英语短文 150个单词 带翻译

发布于2022-01-13 08:30:15
Mr Cook was the owner of a shop.He lived alone in a small room above his shop.He was always afraid that one night someone might break into his shop. One Friday night,after he closed the shop,he found that he had got almost 10,000 yuan that day.So he thought that keeping so much money in the shop was a very dangerous thing. He took the money with him to the bed,put it in the pocket of his coat and went to bed with his coat on.At midnight the loud ringing of the doorbell made him wake up .He got out of the bed and called out.“What do you want?”Under the street light was a policeman,“Sorry to wake you up,”the policeman answered,“but all the lights are on in your shop. I think you forgot to turn them off when you closed up. ” 库克先生有一个商店,他独自住在他的商店以上的小房间,总是害怕,一个晚上可能有人闯入他的店里的所有者。 一个星期五晚上后,他关闭了店铺,他发现,他得到了近10000元他认为保持在店里这么多钱,是非常危险的事情。 他带着钱到了床上,把它在他的上衣口袋里,和与他的外套。午夜响亮的门铃响起,他醒来了上床,他得到了床,叫出来。 “你想干什么?”路灯下的是一名警察,“很抱歉把你唤醒,”警察回答说,“但所有的灯都在你的店铺。我想你忘了将其关闭,当您关闭。 “
Every year,more than 0 million Americans spend their holidays camping in the national forests and natural parks.The number of visitors is rising. Camping has been a long tradition for the American people.Pioneer Americans hunted and fished in forest streams and used forest trees for building houses.Often in their travels,they camped deep in the woods.Of course,it was not for fun at that time.In later years,Americans began to find great fun in camping,fishing and other activities The campers go climbing,swimming,boating and horse riding.They pick wild fruit,watch birds,and take photos of wild flowers,wild animals and the beautiful views.They also spend time making friends and singing around evening campfires. Of course,people are attracted to the forests for different reasons and purposes.Some want to see the wildlife;others may just want to be in the open or live close to the land.These activities are becoming more and more important,especially for the people living in the big cities.New campers may need some information about camping.For example,good maps are necessary not only for planning trips but also for traveing on unfamiliar roads.Making preparations is very important for camping. 译文: 每年,有超过四千万的美国人在国家森林和自然公园野营来度过他们的假期。游客的数目在增长。野营已经成为美国人的悠久传统。美国拓荒者在林间小溪里打猎捕鱼,并且用林木造房子。当然,这在当时并不是为了好玩。在后来的几年里,美国人开始在野营、捕鱼和其他活动中发现乐趣。 露营者去野营、游泳、划船和骑马。他们采摘野生水果、观察鸟类,给野生的花朵、野外的动物和美丽的景色照相。他们还花时间在交朋友和在晚间篝火会上唱歌上面。当然,人们因为不同的理由和不同的目的被森林吸引。有的想看看野生生物,别的可能仅仅想在户外或和大地住得近一点,特别是生活在大城市的人们。 新的拓荒者可能需要野营的信息。比如说,好的地图不仅对规划旅行,还对在不熟悉的路上行驶有必要。做好准备对露营很重要。
Weekends to people mean that people can have two days' rest. They can go out or get together at home. Everybody spends weekends in his own way. Some people relax themselves by listening to music, reading in libraries or doing sports outdoors. In a word, different people have different relaxations. I often spend weekends with my family. Sometimes my parents take me to visit our relatives. Sometimes we go swimming or go dancing and sometimes I go to read some instructive books. I often enjoy myself at weekends. 周末对人们而言意味着可以有两天的休息时间。他们可以出去或聚在家里。 每个人都以自己的方式度过周末。有些人通过听音乐放松自己,到图书馆读书或在户外运动。总之,不同的人有不同的消遣之一。 我经常在周末和家人在一起。有时我父母带我去参观我们的亲戚。有时我们去游泳或去跳舞,有时我们去看一些有益的书。我经常在周末过得很愉快。
