
发布于2022-01-13 18:43:51

关于火影忍者的英语作文。字数不用太多。60词以上就可以。还有关于卡卡西的英语作文。 十分急!!谢谢补充一下。还要关于郭敬明以及安妮宝贝的英语作文要加上中文翻译

火影 Original name: "NARUTO-ナル& Suites -" Literal name: "Naruto" Chinese: "Naruto" Characters: Naruto Uzumaki Author: Masashi Kishimoto Japanese Publisher: Shueisha Serial Time: 1999 - serialized in the Description: "Naruto" is a Japanese manga artist Masashi Kishimoto's representative, works since 1999 in the magazine "Youth JUMP" published in serial form, the reader response was very enthusiastic. Subsequently, the "Naruto" in TV animation in Japan, Tokyo, television has become the most popular animation works. Success stories originally hidden in the dark, with the world's most powerful perseverance and most strenuous efforts to do the most secret and taboo and can not be declared cruel things ninja, portrayed as the sun is most proud of the most promising unlimited career . In this ninja's world, every young masters are to develop an own forbearance Road. Masashi Kishimoto with heavy tones and steel hard strokes to convey to the reader a kind of spirit: the existence of each person is important in order to protect the meaning of their own people, even if it means putting one's life also takes numerous. The blood of juvenile manic, mysterious Ninjutsu, bright cherry-like, such as precious friendship, to make the reader regret and tears, could not bear to release volumes. In Naruto the official story started 12 years ago, one is called "9 Yaohu" huge monster attack on Konoha ninja village. It is a legend would be a landslide tsunami wave tail. Huo Ying was the fourth generation of their own lives to seal the nine Yaohu newborn children (both four generations of the Watergate affair Huoying their children) Naruto Uzumaki people. Huo Ying was the fourth generation of the village were considered to be a hero, but he hoped that the village people will be similarly treated Naruto as a hero. But the villagers think that Naruto is "Yao Hu" in disguise, so as NARUTO been discriminated against since childhood. Re-forming the third-generation descendants of Huo Ying has banned the villagers and that this 9 Yaohu raid events, but still can not stop people from discrimination in Naruto. Even without their knowledge for future generations, parents of infection, there is also alienated Naruto. Therefore, Naruto childhood Beishou isolation. To draw attention of other people often joke. However, this situation in his success through "ninja school" graduation examination gradual change, and to "become the Huo Ying" as the goal. Naruto and the two friends - Uchi Pozzo help Hechun wild cherry tree, and their mentor flag composed of wood Kaka Xi seventh class perform a variety of tasks. Animation has been broadcast of the first 348 sets Comics have been the first 467 words of serial Updated every Thursday a set of animation updates every Friday, then a comic Japan's official Special Issue: "Pro Book" "The Book of soldiers," "The Book of the Big Dipper," "by the book"
这是火影忍者的 This is a ninja world. From childhood on seals the tail of the evil before nine, vol.1 Naruto has had a village people's desolation, just try very hard to use various prank is trying to attract people's attention. Fortunately there are still in lu card teacher concerned about him, naruto character did not become distorted, he is always a fireball, super optimistic. In order to let more people to recognize our, naruto's goal is to be the sixth generation of nine-tailed! Naruto companions, is determined by the teachers of your classmates, along with the common fight, and finally became mutual recognition and trust good partners. 这是一个忍者的世界。从小身上封印着邪恶的九尾妖狐,第一期 鸣人受尽了村人的冷落,只是拼命用各种恶作剧试图吸引大家的注意力。好在还是有依鲁卡老师关心他,鸣人的性格才没有变得扭曲,他总是干劲十足,超级乐观。为了让更多的人认可自己,鸣人的目标是成为第六代火影!鸣人的同伴,是由老师确定的同班同学,随着共同的战斗,终于成了互相认可、信赖的好伙伴。
友谊是飘飘洒洒的春雨; 友谊是飘飘洒洒的笑影; 友谊是一无所顾的相应; 友谊是一丝不苟的配合; 友谊是人与人之间的关怀; 友谊是彼此间的信任; 友谊是情,友谊是爱; 愿人间处处有友爱,我们最珍贵的,却是我们拥有的,我们不会失去的,是我们握在手中的,友谊也需要体贴 的话语,深情的关注。 我们在拥有友谊的时候,忘记了痛苦,寻找着快乐,走出了困境,树立了自我,我们人往往俗事缠身,或被一时而蒙蔽,但因为有了友谊,而会豁然开朗。 我们都是明晰着友谊的足迹,追随着友谊的人们,记录着友谊的故事。 用我们的真心去呵护友谊,用我们的双手把友谊紧紧的握住,大手牵小手,友谊天长地久。 因为有友谊,我更加的快乐幸福。 真正的朋友是打不散的 朋友是伤心最想见的人,是打扰时不用说对不起的人,是帮助时不用说谢谢的人,是步步高升也不会改变称呼的人,是天涯海角都彼此挂念的人 在你难过的时候,朋友会来安慰你. 在你有困难的时候,朋友会来帮助你. 在你快乐的时候,朋友会和你一起分享快乐的喜悦. 在你失败的时候,朋友会拉着你继续忘前走. 怎样理解‘朋友’? 朋友不是绊脚石,他们是助燃器... 知心的人,可以和你谈心的人谊是一种信念风吹不到,雨打不下,总能让自己得到快乐,就像自己的家人一样,真心实意地对你好,不会因为你成功而巴接你,也不会因为你失意而嘲笑你,远离你.在你遇到困难的时候尽自己最大的努力帮助你非常的了解你的,非常懂你的. 朋友是会在你最苦难的时候挺身而出,帮助你解决你的难题.在你难过失败的时候安慰你,鼓励你,支持你. 互相帮助,互相信任,互相进步,互相体谅,互相理解. 论何时何地都陪在你身边 开心时一起笑..伤心时一起哭...绝对不会利用你 不会记住你的错误,你的不对.只会记住你的好 不会去计较谁付出多,谁付出少... 不离不弃,从不计较谁比谁付出多.. 不管好坏 都要一起分享 就是说你心里想的,他们都能猜到. 把你当自家人对待..对你永远是不离不弃 这种爱是出自于朋友之间的友谊。 鸣人与佐助的羁绊,整个影片始终贯穿他们俩的友情,也是最让人感动的羁绊,那么久了,而且认识之初俩人还是死对头,然而现在鸣人始终怀着坚定的信念去追逐那条羁绊——佐助,而佐助却因为与哥哥的仇恨连自己最宝贵的友谊都不要了,由此可见鸣人的信念多么坚定,在此不禁要问下佐助,你何时才能回来? 佐助与鼬的羁绊,佐助与鼬是亲生兄弟,从小他们就有了紧紧相连的羁绊,鼬用手点佐助的额头那个经典镜头至今仍然回荡在我们的心里,说到这里,真的是不知道怎么说,鼬一个人,背负着耻辱与悲伤,悲伤的杀了自己全族人,但他就是不杀自己的弟弟,末了,还要摆出一副极其阴险狠心的样子跟佐助说那虚假的灭族理由,还要用月读来折磨自己的弟弟,最终还下定决心要死在自己的弟弟手里,死了还要点一下弟弟的额头!这条宝贵的羁绊就算是铁石心肠的人知道了也要落泪!在此我要对佐助说声回头吧佐助,你还有很多的朋友和你在一起! 自已翻译吧!!我还只是小学生,写出来这个已经很不错了
