1.重新启动电脑,当电脑屏幕显示黑屏时,安装Windos XP时首先按Delete进入COMS(笔记本电脑按F4进入)中的SATA选项的ENHANCED(提高高级)改为COMPATIBLE(兼容设备)如果不这样改动会出现如下安装出错:蓝屏并出现如下提示: A problem has been detected and Windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer. The problem seems to be caused by the following files:nv4_disp If this is the first time you have seen this stop error screen, restart your computer. If this screen appears again, follow these steps: The device driver got stuck in an infinite loop. This usually indicates problem with the device itself or with the device driver programming the hardware incorrectly. Please check with your hardware device vender for any driver updates. Technical information: ***STOP:0X000000EA (0X816C3020, 0X81A77A58,0XF88C6CB4,0X00000001) 2.在安装网卡驱动时,要将1394卡禁用,不然会造成冲突 3.所有驱动都放在D盘XP驱动文件夹下 4.在D盘GHOST文件夹下有一备件WINXP.GHO 注意:D盘上的以上两个文件夹不要删除;并且VISTA光盘和驱动光盘要保管好,将来还是要使用的