摘要: 一名合格的护理人员,不仅是一名护理者,也是一名教育者、决策者、管理者、协调者和研究者.高素质的护理人员才是时代的需要,而作为一名高素质的护理人员,需严谨自信,优雅庄重,诚信大方,以真诚微笑服务,取信病人,与病人建立良好的沟通,细致地观察患者的心理状态,更新观念,转变模式,加强业务学习.abstract: a qualified nursing staff has many different roles in their job, such as an educator, a decision maker, a manager, a regulator even a researcher. high-quality nursing staff is the need of the time. high-quality nursing staff is self-confident with their elegance, generosity, honesty and sincerity. to win the trust of the patient and establish good communication with patrients. to carefully observe the patients and change the idea and strengthen the professional knowledge.