
发布于2021-12-26 18:30:16
多年来,天瑞以坚实的步伐走过每一步,在一次次的历练中,逐步获得了广泛的认可,走出了自己的天地!  For years, Skyray has been down-to-earth toits every step to development. We have acquired wide recognition along with eachtime’s experience and won our position in the analytical and measuringinstruments industry.刘召贵博士----第一位X荧光光谱分析学博士, 也是第一位投身X荧光光谱仪研发、生产、销售及服务事业的学者型企业家。 Dr. Richard Liu--- is the first Doctor ofXRF spectrometry, and also the first scholar entrepreneur who devotes to theR&D, production, sales and services of XRF spectrometers. 天瑞仪器公司正是在刘博士的创办和带领下,昂首走上了分析仪器的发展之路,并逐步发展壮大,现已成为全球性跨国企业! Skyray Instrument was founded by Dr. Liu andhas been growing into a worldwide multinational under the leadership of Dr. Liu,specializing in developing analytical instruments. 1979-1990年,刘博士先后在清华大学获得学士学位、硕士学位和博士学位。 1979-1990, Dr. Liu was graduated from Tsinghua University with Bachelor’s, Master’s andDoctor’s degrees. 1992年刘召贵博士创办西清华研究所,同年研制开发了第一台X荧 光光谱仪。 In 1992 Dr. Liu founded West TsinghuaResearch Institute and developed the first XRF spectrometer in the same year. 2007年,刘召贵博士荣获“昆山市首届科技功臣奖”。 In 2007, Dr. Liu won “the 1Kunshan Science and Technology Meritorious Prize”. 2008年,被评为“江苏省2008年度有突出贡献中青年专家”。 同年刘召贵博士又被评为“江苏省创新创业领军人才”。 In 2008, he was honored with “2008 JiangsuProvince Young and Middle-aged Expert with Outstanding Contributions” and wasgiven the title of the “Leading Entrepreneur in Jiangsu Province”in the same year. 刘博士现为中国仪器仪表学会分析仪器分会理事。 江苏省高层次创新创业人才引进计划引进人才。 昆山市博士联谊会副会长。 昆山改革开放三十年有突出贡献企业家。 刘博士仅一人名下就已经有专利共58项,在众多国内外知名刊物上发表过X荧光光谱分析学论文十余篇。 Dr. Liu is the member of China InstrumentSociety Analytical Instrument Society; In the program of “the Introduction Plan ofHigh-level Creation and Innovation Talent of Jiangsu Province”; Vice President of Kunshan DoctorsAssociation; Entrepreneur of Kunshan with OutstandingContributions during Thirty Years of Reform and Opening-up in China; At present, Dr. Liu himself owns 58patents, having above 10 essays on X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry published onmany well-known domestic and foreign journals. 搜狗问问
