
发布于2022-02-21 12:30:02


姓名 中文名称: 罗伯特·福尔肯·斯科特 性别: 男 生卒年: 1868—1912 国别: 英国 罗伯特·福尔肯·斯科特是一位英国海军军官。他未能实现自己第一个到达南极的壮志。他的竞争对手罗阿尔德·阿蒙森抢先一个月到达了那里。 1910年6月,斯科特乘坐“特拉·诺瓦号”启程。途中,他听说阿蒙森也正在前往南极。 1911年11月1日,斯科特的一队人马离开自己的宿营基地,前往南极。暴风雪使旅行十分艰难。因此,1912年1月3日,斯科特决定只带4位同伴前行,他们是爱德华·威尔逊劳伦斯·奥茨、亨利·鲍尔斯和埃德加·埃文斯。 1月17日,斯科特一行到达南极。但是,阿蒙森的挪威国旗已经在那里飘扬。他们深感失望,踏上了归途。埃文斯因跌倒受伤而死去;奥茨因患严重的冻伤,不愿连累别人,在一次暴风雪中消失了。剩下的3个人不得不扎营,以躲避恶劣的天气。但3月29日这天,斯科特等3人都死在离他们的宿营基地几千米处。 人们知晓斯科特最后一次旅行的详情,因为他的日记记到了最后一天。1912年11月,一支搜寻队发现了这本日记,以及斯科特等3人的尸体。3人的尸体被就地掩埋,如今已处于南极冰下的深处。奥茨的尸体始终未被找到。
不知道是不是这个,不是的话,你再说的具体一点 那先翻译几句吧 罗伯特斯科特是大不列颠皇家海军的军官和探险家,他带领两个探险队进入了南极区域:“发现”,1901-1904 是讲一个南极探险家的,不是的话,我在找吧,是的话在翻 robert falcon scott cvo (6 june 1868 – 29 march 1912) was a british royal naval officer and explorer who led two expeditions to the antarctic regions: the discovery expedition, 1901–04, and the ill-fated terra nova expedition, 1910–13. during this second venture scott led a party of five which reached the south pole on 17 january 1912, to find that they had been preceded by roald amundsen's norwegian party in an unsought "race for the pole". on their return journey scott and his four comrades all perished because of a combination of exhaustion, hunger and extreme cold. before his appointment to lead the discovery expedition,[1] scott had followed the conventional career of a naval officer in peacetime victorian britain, where opportunities for career advancement were both limited and keenly sought after by ambitious officers. it was the chance for personal distinction that led scott to apply for the discovery command, rather than any predilection for polar exploration.[2] however, having taken this step, his name became ever after associated with the antarctic, the field of work to which he remained committed during the final twelve years of his life. following the news of his death, scott became an iconic british hero, a status maintained for more than 50 years. in the closing decades of the twentieth century, however, in a more sceptical age, the legend was reassessed. from a previously unassailable position, scott became a figure of controversy, with questions raised about his competence and character. scott was undoubtedly capable of commanding great personal loyalty. some were prepared to follow him anywhere and did so.[3] "he wouldn’t ask you to do anything he wasn’t prepared to do himself", said terra nova stoker william burton. tom crean, the irishman who accompanied scott on both the discovery and terra nova expeditions, was more effusive: "i loved every hair of his head".[4] but his relations with others, including ernest shackleton, lawrence oates, and his expedition second-in-commands, were less easy.[5] despite his considerable exploration experience, something of the resourceful amateur remained with him until the end. for example his reluctance to rely on dogs, despite the advice of expert ice travellers such as nansen, has been cited as a critical factor that lost him the race to the pole and, ultimately, the lives of all his party.
早年 斯科特1881年加入英国海军,1891年升为上尉。1900年开始进行第一次到南极洲的探险,其目标是罗斯海。他发现并命名了爱德华七世半岛。1904年他回到英国。 1908年9月2日他与凯斯琳·布鲁斯结婚,两人有一个儿子彼得。 第二次南极之旅 1910年,斯科特从英国出发,重返南极,他这次的目标是要到达南地极。但他发现这次他有一个竞争者:罗尔德·亚孟森。斯科特的五人探险队于1912年1月17日到达南极,但发现亚孟森比他们早到了一个月。在返回南极洲边缘的路途上,他们遭遇极强的寒冷低温(自1960年代在南极洲大陆内部有气温记录以来,只有一次气温降到过斯科特曾遇到的程度),五人先后遇难。斯科特及另外两人死时,距离最近的补给站仅有20公里,尸体连同日记在六个月后才被发现,他们死时还带著十多公斤的岩石标本。他被英国国王追封为骑士。 后人认为斯科特的失败除天气的原因外还有他自己犯的错误。比如他不用极地犬,而一开始用西伯利亚小马,后来用人力来拖他的行李。此外他没有利用极地人的经验。亚孟森的探险队中的人都是有丰富的极地经验的。 今天位于南地极的阿蒙森—斯科特站是以他和他的竞争者命名的。
