
发布于2022-01-13 08:31:15
我教过一个学生,也是从零学起,每天给他上2个小时的课,一年之后考上军校了。我觉得英语难就难在不容易坚持,很枯燥,而且是大量记忆的东西,没有什么捷径可走。 楼主只要有毅力,坚持背单词,记语法,多听多练不间断,一年半之后应该能过二级,其实过四级也是可以的,只是四级的话,每天2小时我觉得有点儿短。
我有一篇,以前参加区的演讲比赛,呵呵 得奖的文章 题目是 :“the importance of the english”respected leaders, ladies and gentlemen, good morning. i’m deeply honored and very pleasured to stand on this stage to enjoy this moment. now today, i would like to say something about the importance of the english.as everyone knows, english is very important today. it has been used everywhere in the world. it has become the most common language on the internet and for international trade. if we can speak english well, we will have more chance to succeed because more and more people have taken notice of it. the number of the people who are learning english has increased at a high speed. but for me, i learn english not only because of its importance but also because of my love for it. when i lean english i have a different way of thinking which gives me more room to touch the word. when i read english novels i feel the pleasure from the book. i can see the beauty which is not he same as our chinese.i’m sure that i will speak english more fluently in two or three years. and then, it is in 2010 that world expo will be held in shanghai. if my english is good enough, i want to be a volunteer. i will do anything that i can to help the foreigners to know more about shanghai and to understand better about chinese people or cultures. if my english is good enough, i will travel around the world without difficulty. with my good english, i can make friends with many people from different countries. i will visit many places of interest which i have been dreaming to. english is so important i will work harder at english than ever before. i’m sure i will benefit a lot from fluent english. 如果是参加 演讲比赛,不要慌。这么和你说吧,如果你参加演讲比赛你慌的话,基本上你就已经ko了。加油~!
